Efficacy of some Fungicides against Early Blight with Special Reference to their Residues in Tomato Fruits

Document Type : Original Article


1 Plant Pathol. Res. Inst., ARC, Giza, Egypt

2 Plant Pathol. Dept., Fac. Agric., Cairo Univ.

3 Economic Entomol. & Pest. Dept., Fac. Agric., Cairo Univ.

4 Ministry of Higher Education, Syrian Arab Republic


Early blight disease caused by Alternaria solani (Ellis and Martin) Jones and Grout, attacks all grown tomato hybrids and varieties either under open field or in plastic house conditions resulting in a serious reduction in fruit yield. Under field trials the tested fungicides were arranged according to their efficacy as Ridomil Gold MZ, Oxy plus, Dolphin Alfa, Shirlan, Flint, Leimay, Ranman and Revus, in descending order. The extracted treated fruits gave the highest recovery percentage of fluazinam and trifloxystrobin. The initial deposits of fluazinam and trifloxystrobin in fruits were 0.236 and 0.179 ppm and their half-life values (RL50) were 5.01 and 3.73 days after treatment, respectively. The results show that the detected
residues of fluazinam and trifloxystrobin in tomato fruits after spraying directly were below the maximum residue limit. Accordingly, tomato fruits could be used safely for human consumption after one day of spraying with both fungicides.
