Aims and Scope

The Egyptian Journal of Phytopathology (EJP) is the national journal of the Egyptian Phytopathological Society (EPS), covering basic and applied aspects of plant pathology. EJP will publish paper in the form of full-lenght papers, disease notes and review articles in all areas of plant disease management. Quality research covering diseases caused by fungi, viruses, bacteria, phytoplasma, spiroplasma, nematodes and abiotic factors, physiological plant pathology, plant-parasite interactions, post-harvest diseases, disease diagnosis and epidemiology, non-infectious diseases, plant protection and molecular biology are accepted for publication. All contributions will be peer reviewed under the supervision of an official and international Editorial Board. Every article published in EJP is provided with unique DOI.

Disease Notes

Disease Notes are short research papers intended to encourage early reporting of significant outbreaks or significant changes in geographic location of diseases, new hosts, or new physiological races of pathogens. Disease Notes follow different guidelines from other article types


Papers submitted for publication in Egyptian Journal of Phytopathology (EJP) must report high-quality research that provides new insights into plant disease management and/or epidemiology. The research must be hypothesis-driven and present applicable and innovative biological insights that enhance our understanding and/or management of plant disease. The significance of the research and its relevance to published research must be clearly stated.