Peer Review Process

EJP journal operates a double blind review process as follows: 

1. Submission of manuscript

The corresponding author submits the manuscript to the Egyptian Journal of Phytopathology (EJP). This will be via the EKB journal management system. In some cases, EJP may accept submissions by email. 

2. Editorial office assessment

EJP checks the manuscript’s  plagiarism, composition and arrangement against the journal’s author guidelines to make sure it includes the required sections and stylizations. 

3. Assessment by the editor-in-chief

The Editor-in-Chief checks that the manuscript is appropriate for EJP and is sufficiently original and in the scope of the journal. If not, the manuscript may be rejected without being reviewed any further. The Editor-in-Chief assigns the manuscript to the Managing Editor who will handle the peer review process. 

4. Invitation to reviewers

The Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor send invitations to two potential reviewers he believes would be appropriate reviewers depending on their proficiency and expertise. 

5. Response to invitations

Potential reviewers consider the invitation against their own expertise, conflicts of interest and availability. The potential reviewers will have three weeks to send their reports. 

6. Review is conducted

The reviewers will have three weeks to read the manuscript and taking notes so as to build a detailed point-by-point review. The reviewers will submit their review reports to EJP, with a recommendation to accept or reject the manuscript; or with a request for a major or minor revision. 

7. EJP evaluates the review reports

The managing editor considers all the returned reviews before making a preliminary decision. If the reviews differ widely, the managing editor may invite an additional reviewer so as to get an extra opinion before making a decision. 

8. The Decision is communicated

The Editor-in-Chief sends a decision email to the corresponding author including any relevant reviewer comments. 

9. Revised version of the manuscript by the authors

The authors must revise the manuscript according to the reviewers' comments and send the revised manuscript within two weeks. Any revisions should be clearly highlighted in a different colors so that changes are easily visible to the editors and reviewers. The authors need to explain point-by-point the details of the revisions in the manuscript and their responses to the reviewers' comments. They can include in their rebuttal if they found it impossible to address certain comments. The revised version will be inspected by the editors and reviewers (if necessary) to give a final decision.  

10. Acceptance and proof

If the manuscript is accepted, the manuscript will be sent to technical editors for production. One set of page proofs (as PDF file) will be sent by e-mail to the corresponding author. The proof must be returned to EJP within 48 hours. EJP may proceed with the publication of the manuscript if no response is received from the corresponding author. Finally, the paper will be published on the EJP-website at EKB journal management system